Prime Reactions Review – Digimon Adventure tri. 6 Bokura no Mirai (Our Future)

Part 1

We open with jargon spoken by… Yggdrasil? Who was talking? Then some pointless recap/dream sequence.

Didn’t Matt already put the goggles around his neck? Now he’s holding them?

Everyone’s so concerned about Tai that nobody remembers the Digivices can track each other? D-Terminals? HAVE YOU SEEN DIGIMON?

Digimon are wreaking havoc all over the world! Again! Too bad there aren’t any Digidestined outside of Japan who could take care of this.

We end on Ordinarymon arriving after like 18 minutes of no progression or anything worthwhile. What was she even doing this whole time?

Part 2

Kennai’s here. And so is Tai’s dad. I guess someone wanted to pay a new or returning voice actor. When did these two know Meiko’s mom?

We’ll have the Megas get wrecked instantly to redirect our animation budget towards gratuitous Ordinarymon butt shots.

What did agent man do to get that injured? Tai’s in mint condition. They fell in a crevice and ended up in a stasis pod lab?

So the 02 kids learned about Yggdrasil’s plan. Agent lady concealed their disappearance but let the original cast run free because…? If Yggdrasil put them there, outside of plot convenience why didn’t he just kill them? They’re in the Digital World which was rebooted. Are these pods reboot-proof? And where are their Digimon? What’s with the fifth occupied pod? Ryo? Gennai for some reason?

“Gennai” is both here and in the real world? Why? Are they ever going to explain who or what he is?

Part 3

Oh no, they’re playing the Herculeskabuterimon sacrifice song… I wish I cared enough about agent man for this scene to be effective.

Why is Hackmon allowed to talk but Jesmon isn’t?

All right, Meiko. It’s time to prove your worth. Six films of “character development” have been leading up to this moment. Fulfill your destiny!


I’m sorry, but… power scaling? Magnaangemon’s getting wrecked by a Devimon and Vilemon blasts? What a joke.

Wizardmon!…’s back.

Part 4

Okay, so Wizardmon was pointless.

What do we need another prophecy for? Why is Gatomon being so vague other than bad writing?

How are our guys lasting longer as Champions than Megas?

The reason Meicoomon still had her memories is because… she had ALL the memories. The memories are apparently why she’s so strong even though she was plenty strong before the memories were sealed. I know they’re “digital” monsters but since when can Digimon lock things behind passwords?

Agumon remembers meeting Tai and Kari as a Botamon… except that never happened. That was a different Agumon unless you hacks want me to believe otherwise. HAVE YOU SEEN DIGIMON? Also, Agumon’s the only one who remembers anything prior to tri. Everyone else only remembers footage from bad movies.

Everyone’s memories were nothing more than a convenient way to weaken Ordinarymon. Otherwise, what really changed? Everyone turns into Megas but they could already do that. In Loss, some obtained Megas despite memories. There’s no payoff to their memories returning so it may as well have not happened.

Jesmon can apparently hurt Ordinarymon but leaves after freeing Gatomon because…?

Part 5

I was waiting for a 02 save but of course not…

Omnimon stock footage again.

Kari: We should save Meicoomon for reasons.
Tai: No.
Kari: Okay, I’ll help.

Magnadramon? Why wouldn’t she just turn into a not Falldown of Ophanimon? Either way, she just sneezes on Ordinarymon and exists to check off that final Mega box.

Because this is Toei and we didn’t get enough bs transformations in Dragon Ball Super, Omnimon just gets one for no reason with no buildup. Just bam, Wing Gundam Zero Custom Mode.

I would care more that Meicoomon died in the real world if I actually cared about Meicoomon. I didn’t see all these tears when they showed no restraint against Imperialdramon.

Did they really leave this open-ended by letting Kennai live? Random Daemon and Diaboromon name drop?

They couldn’t even bother to show the 02 kids on screen. The disrespect…

Homeostasis can just shut Yggdrasil down? Why didn’t it just do that before? Where’s Alphamon?

No mention of agent lady. Guess she’s dead.

Meiko randomly moved back because… and Mimi’s randomly still here because…

Ultimate Reflections:
What a vapid, empty, and careless venture this was. I’m amazed at how much nothing happened in 90 minutes. Even with five “episodes” it’s sloppy. Way too many questions STILL unanswered or horribly answered at the last minute due to incompetence.

Instead of focusing on the characters who don’t have Megas yet, they introduce a new and generic character who hogs screen time with molasses-level progression towards nothing. Instead of having a clear focus and proper story structure, tri. is contaminated with filler, padding, pacing issues, and things that go nowhere or happen for no reason. Digimon in general has some pretty memorable villains. But tri? Nobody but Kennai talks! Like Dragon Ball Super, there are tons of references and callbacks which they think is a substitute for having to write anything themselves. Not to mention a blatant disregard for power levels and established lore.

And the wasted potential. Let’s add the original Digidestined and tie the birth of the Sovereigns to them. What was the point? Agent lady’s subplot that nobody cares about and takes up three minutes of screen time out of six movies? Does agent man’s role as former Digidestined leader factor into anything? Why not a mentor role? Use his experiences to guide the 02 kids current generation through their problems? What fundamentally changes if he was just a teacher/agent over a goggle boy?

While flawed, Confession is the only bright spot in an otherwise horrendous cash in that has unfortunately paid off for them. It’s another unnecessary sequel that didn’t need to exist but does because studios are creatively bankrupt. This isn’t a passion project. This isn’t a great idea someone had. Do I already have to ask them to leave Digimon Adventure alone? The people working on this clearly don’t care about Digimon.

But wait, it’s done. After three painful years, Digimon Adventure tri. is finally over. I’ll never have to watch another one of these horrible things again.


2 thoughts on “Prime Reactions Review – Digimon Adventure tri. 6 Bokura no Mirai (Our Future)

    • Thanks for taking the time to read and comment!

      Are there any specifics you’d recommend? The I Choose You! movie made my top worst list of 2017 and I only watch the Sun and Moon episodes that sound interesting. Otherwise I followed Pokemon since Kanto until it left me behind and I just check out the leagues.

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